Foyer S.A. successfully completes the acquisition of Globality S.A.

Foyer S.A. successfully completes the acquisition of Globality S.A.

31. Juli 2023 · News

Foyer S.A. strengthens its IPMI business activity by announcing on July 26th 2023 the completion of its acquisition of Globality S.A., after receiving regulatory approval from the relevant regulatory authorities (Commissariat aux Assurances).

Luxembourg, July 28th 2023
The new company is composed of Foyer Global Health, the business line of Foyer’s Group dedicated to international health insurance, and Globality Health, former part of ERGO Group AG.

As previously announced, the acquisition is an important milestone and a win-win situation for both companies. Foyer Global Health aims to accelerate the expansion of its business while Foyer and ERGO have agreed on the extension of the long-standing distribution and service partnership previously established between Globality S.A., ERGO and DKV. It will also offer advanced digital tools and a dynamic environment for the merged companies to grow.

“We are looking forward to providing our clients with the best of both worlds: Foyer Global Health and Globality Health, both have years of expertise as premium health insurance providers for corporate expat communities as well as individual policyholders.”, explains François Jacquemin, CEO of Foyer Global Health and Globality S.A.

“Foyer is investing in the IPMI market, which brings significant benefits to our clients and partners. We look forward to joining forces to generate more growth in this area.”, added Cornelia Roeskau, Managing Director of Globality S.A.

The new combined entity is now focusing on the integration stage of its resources. Stability and continuity are the guiding principles of the merger. Foyer Global Health and Globality Health are working closely together to create a seamless transition for its clients and partners.

About Foyer Global Health

Foyer Global Health is the international health insurance and service provider for globally mobile people, backed by Luxembourg’s number one insurer, Foyer S.A. Foyer Global Health’s plans are tailored to the needs of individuals and groups around the world and provide first-class coverage with comprehensive medical assistance and value-added health care services.

Additional information about Foyer Global Health can be found at

For more information please contact:

Foyer Global Health
Marketing & Communication
Tel: +352 437 43 4256

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